
Aug 212015 Tagged with , , ,

HTC Vive TI5 Demo

When Valve invited the /r/DotA2 team for press at TI5 they emailed us and offered an appointment to try the HTC Vive. Normally only press and lucky ticket holders got the honor to enter the truck and try on the goggles for an extended thirty minuet demo of the product.

Naturally ReaverXai and I argued over who would get the honor. And I ended up winning the deathmatch, because he is super nice and I don’t think wanted to be there at 9am.

I was super hesitant to try the demo, mostly because of my previous VR experiences. I have used an Oculus a few times, and every time I put it on within five minuets I feel like I want to vomit all over everything. I am very easily motion sick. I have gotten ill playing Mario Kart 64 for Christ sake. I thought that I would be a goner for sure knowing that I was about to willing subject myself to thirty minuets of this HTC monster.
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