Another season of television has come and gone. With many more hours of my life spent on my bed infront of my monitor I feel as if this season was quite underwhelming. Not only was there not much on that I enjoyed, what I was watching itself was quite…meh. Here I go with a full recap of everything that I watched. Again this is not going to be a “top X list” or a suggestion piece. Take from it what you will as I try to remain spoiler free and just give me two cents.
Orange is the New Black
I did not really enjoy OitNB Seasons 1 and 2 as much as others did. While I have watched them all, I really dislike some of the characters. Namely Piper, who is kind of a problem because that girls face is on the screen all the time. I do like that Season 3 was less about her, and featured a lot more character development from the other girls. That I grew to enjoy and kept me through another 13 hours of a show that I am only luke warm about.
I really struggled to get into this one. I did not enjoy at all the mini cliffhangers at the end of each episode trying to string me along, and the story just seemed dis-interesting. I found it hard to root for any of the characters. They all had their flaws but it just seemed so unrelateable. I did enjoy the non-linear storytelling however, I think it was one of the stronger aspects of the series. I doubt I’ll throw down the time for S2.
Orphan Black
Consistency one of my favorite shows. It has gotten so very convoluted at this point tho that for some people I can see why it is so hard to follow the plot. Even I struggle at times, but I love the acting and the scifi story. If you haven’t tried this show yet start from the beginning and I strongly recommend it. Down right good TV.
Silicon Valley
While season 1 was not my favorite comedy ever, it did make me laugh more than the average show. That being said I think that season 2 was more ridiculous and more funny, at the determent of a strong plot. One of HBO’s strongest shows right now in a lineup that is arguably their strongest ever, so it says quite a lot about the laughs here. I definitely am their target audience for this one tho, and can see why this show would be out of touch for others.
Modern Family
While on the topic of comedy this is the one basic cable comedy that I watch. It might be lame, but by this point I really feel like I have grown with the characters over the years, find the writing clever, and enjoy the cast. It surprises me how they keep keeping this one fresh, as it never feels stale for me to tune in every week. Going to continue to watch every episode to the end regardless.
Bobs Burgers
Jon H Benjamin is my favorite voice actor in the history of the universe. I started watching this show for him. I stayed around for Tina and Lynda and Gene and Louise. The show just makes me happy to watch and it’s one of those things that I am hooked on. Its the only other animated thing I watch along with Archer and Rick and Morty.
Good fucking god why did I not give up on this flaming turd after episode two. Like there were so many things that I disliked. The characters, the altered reality, the comedy, the story, the self loathing, the everything. It’s message was lost on me because I genuinely disliked almost everything the show did. Felt like the plot did not matter and went nowhere or in circles forever. The characters were just disinterested. The hi-jinks and jokes were dumb.
Nurse Jackie
I’ll end on a show that has come to a close now, Nurse Jackie. Jackie ran for 7, I think, years, and was one of the shows that entered 15 year old Joey into the realm of Showtime, HBO, and quality television. It, along with Dexter, were two series which transformed my habits. They also ran similar arcs where they just turned to such dogshit at the end it makes me sad that I had not choice but to watch them. The ending of this show is so abysmal, and the last three were downright insulting. That being said I enjoyed the series as a whole.
And that’s that. Like I said not much to spring TV. Summer is looking much brighter, as we get returning shows to watch such as:
Ray Donovan, Rick and Morty, Fargo, Rectify, and True Detective. I am also watching two new series: Mr Robot and Balers. What are you tuning into this summer?