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The Glimpse #3 2.1.2015
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The Fantasy Report: Week 5
Hey Now,
Are you playing Fantasy Dota yet? If you’re not then you are missing out on a new level of competitive dota immersion. Yes season 1 of fantasy league is a bit rough around the edges, but this new feature is laying the groundwork for griping competition outside of ancient defending.
These Fantasy Reports will be a repeating weekly articles to share tips, highlight rising stars, help with roster swaps, stats, and to discuss everything that is fantasy doto!
Week 5 was dominated by the Chinese scene. GEST, WVW, V Gaming, and CDEC all saw a ton of Chinese teams playing a massive amount of games. 101 potential games could have been played between DK, IG, Newbee, and Vici. That’s a shit ton of games, and it reflected in their point totals. Those four teams combined for a total of 2615 points. Newbee alone was 838 of those points. Hell I barely beat that with my hyper micro-managed team.
We also saw the Dreamhack conclusion, and a bit of western dota play. While these teams did not come close to matching the volume of games, and therefore points, of the Chinese teams, they did put up respectable numbers. Alliance netted a cool 205 points just in the finals.
Week six should be a lot quieter than week 5. Prepare for ongoing tournaments to wrap by Wednesday, and ESL to consume weekend dota. Remember that you get a player swap every day, so make the most to try and have an active roster, and prep for ESL.
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TI3 Pictures
Holy shit. I am so happy I got to attend TI3. TI3 marked my debut attending dota events and branching out a bit. I got to see some familiar faces, but spend most of the time exploring and mingling. Valve put on the best event I have ever attend. It’s not a hyperbole, or fluff, it was the best. Here are some of the photo’s I grabbed at the event.